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2018 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member:

Company: Three Crazy Sons
Show: Flipping Off Our Lord
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental

Funny and Brave

Saw the first show. I love it. Looking at the reviews, I am really surprised that some people are panning it. The performer had me from the start. He spun a great story charting his early teen life as a hilarious yet sweet kid enjoying his lovable friends and trying to find his way in a confusing world of the 1980s. The show is often irreverent but it is also heartfelt. And if you didn't hear the laughs on the first night, you must have a hearing problem because I laughed my butt off. Go see this show. It is funny and brave. It went places that I did't expect, but the journey was beautiful and earned.

Company: Quasimondo Physical Theatre
Show: Mrs. Wrights
Venue: Rarig Center Xperimental


Loved this show. A fine example of physical theatre. I was dazzled.

Company: Sidecar Theatre
Show: Summers in Prague
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Strong Acting

I enjoyed this one act play very much. The acting was very strong. I guess my only problem was that it really isn't a fringe show. There was nothing edgy, wacky or daring about it. It was just a nice rom com. Still, the audience loved it. You root for these characters to find love.

Company: HFS
Show: Wonder and Awe: A Play About Magic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Witty and Absurd

There wasn't much in the way of meaning, but there is a lot in terms of funny lines. I do wish there had been some actual magic in the show. Still, the cast and the audience shared a lot of laughs.
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