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Dreamland Arts

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Dreamland Arts



This is an IP Venue- please be sure to read the "More Information" tab on the show page before you purchase. Start and End times may differ from the standard Fringe grid.

The building is accessible.


There is free parking on the west side of Hamline Ave., right in front of the theater building. Dreamland Arts is in a residential neighborhood. Please respect the quiet and privacy of our neighbors and park on Hamline Ave., not on the residential streets. There are not any dedicated parking spots for those with a disability permit, but there is a curb cut in the boulevard right in front of the main entrance.

Bus and bike

Nearby train station: Hamline Light Rail Station Nearest bus route: Bus #67 links the West Bank area with the intersection of Hamline and Minnehaha Avenues. It also links Downtown St. Paul with intersection of Hamline and Minnehaha Avenues. Dreamland Arts has a bike rack right in front of the theater.


Please don't contact the venue. We can help. If you can't find an answer here, just contact us.

Shows at Dreamland Arts

Glass & Lady M.
By Full Circle Theater Company

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Dreamland Arts Showtimes on: August 05, 2019

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