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2018 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member:

Company: Rebecca Tanner Dance
Show: #wA.w.e.D.H.?? ... i still don't know
Venue: Ritz Theater Studio

Ecstatic Moments

There are a couple haters in the reviews! I saw the show tonight and I had a very different experience. I thought the dancers had charisma that shined out into the audience and that charisma, combined with the choreography, led to many ecstatic moments. One person in their review said that it seemed like a "mashup of...senior dance projects" but for me I didn't see that and actually I appreciated the variance in tone that kept me engaged compared with other dance shows I have seen at the festival that have felt very one note. Where other dance shows can lull me into a pleasant boredom this piece kept me consistently wondering what was to come and kept building to a wild final section where I felt almost giddy. Like others have said I would recommend that you sit as close as possible because the dancers get very close (it's a small space) and the energy while sitting in the front rows becomes infectious and unless you're a total grump (see other reviews) it becomes impossible to have a bad time. The most fun show I've been to! Also the girl who starts rocking the F*** out on the air guitar before the group forms is a star waiting to be born!
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