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2018 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member:

Company: Theatre Corrobora
Show: Rejection
Venue: Augsburg Mainstage

That soundtrack though

I am left charmed, deep in thought, and in need of a hug! Seldom do I see characters portrayed onstage as anything else but one-dimensional in shows discussing relationships and young love. In "Rejection," the writing, fluid direction, and charismatic actors blended together so well that I not only empathized with each character, but I was able to overlook the title of the play being incorporated into the dialogue (as I often gently roll my eyes). Additionally, the soundtrack had me sold the second I opened the program. Props to the actor who stepped in on short notice!

Company: Wayward Theatre Company
Show: Far Away by Caryl Churchill
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

Spectacularly Disturbing

Company: GIRL Theatre
Show: Gay Hot American Summer
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

11 out of 10

Campy, lovable, and wonderfully queer!
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