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2018 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member:

Company: Sheep Theater
Show: Kaboom
Venue: Rarig Center Thrust

If Only the Fear of Nuclear Holocaust was This Fun

Sheep has a solid history of seamlessly mixing adaptations (either from literature, mythology, film, or history), modern day issues, and their own wacky flavor into a theatrical blender, and pouring out magic. And this is no different in that regard. Michael Torsch's direction of this absurdity continues to highlight Sheep's unwavering dedication to each moment. Whether it be having the characters stay entirely still on stage for 15 minutes, or finding ways to stage multiple scenes going on concurrently, he takes each new idea, and pushes it to its limits. Joey Hamburger and Iris Rose Page's script gives this story life, and has you laughing at the lunacy, while simultaneously cringing on the inside about how close to home some of these moments feel. If you've seen a Sheep show before, I likely don't need to convince you to give this a shot. If you haven't been to one yet, this is a fun one to jump on board for. Certainly a must see

Company: WalthWorks
Show: Locker Room Talk
Venue: Rarig Center Arena

A Fun Little Show That'll Leave You Tapping Along

Despite the heavy subject matter, Locker Room Talk doesn't try and weigh you down with too much at once. With all of the real world examples going on around us today, it would be easy to get lost down a hundred threads when talking about modern examples of sexism. Instead, this is where LRT shines. It takes a specific scenario (a new female coach for a boys basketball team), and instead focuses entirely on how this change impacts those on the team. It has some solid talent, catchy songs, and utilizes the "in the round" space very well. Worth adding to your Fringe schedule.
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