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2018 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member:

Company: Michael Rogers
Show: Now We See It
Venue: Ritz Theater Mainstage

Beautiful, but inconsistent

This is a time travel horror story about trauma and healing and there are lightsaber battles. It's ambitious and makes incredible use of music and movement. That being said, the tone of the story fluctuates between outright comedy and extremely heavy subject material in a way that doesn't quite fit into an hour. If they had more time, they could have probably resolved some of this. As it stands, though, there are just one too many things happening, and one too many unanswered questions.

Company: Flash Grenade Productions
Show: The Flashlight Zone: 20 Science Fiction Plays in One Hour
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Give these people some money!

6 Actors, 6 chairs, a bunch of paper signs, and a superman action figure. That's the whole show. And it's great. I would love to see these plays expanded or what they could have done with lights and sounds and props and sets and more. Hope to see them back again someday, with a bigger budget hopefully!

Company: Hit the Lights! Theater Co.
Venue: Ritz Theater Mainstage

Best thing at Fringe. Period

If you liked last year's "Dungeon," you're going to get all that shadow puppet goodness from this show. But you're also going to get game shows and rock and roll and a history lesson. Seriously, this is worth 10 times what it costs. Go see it.
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